Happy fall!
What would you say the goal of writing a novel is?
I meant to do a post about traveling to the D-Day beaches in Normandy today, but I do not have time. So for now I’ll leave you with this photo of one of those beaches–they’re oddly incredibly peaceful today–with more info to come next week. Stay tuned!
So after this book, I was in need of an antidote, in the way of some lighter fare. I chose Huntley Fitzpatrick’s My Life Next Door.…
I wrote about point-of-view earlier, but today I want to go a little deeper into that. More specifically: How do you choose who your point-of-view character will be?
So I want to talk about one of my favorite things in fiction… Subtlety. I’ve already written about how one of my biggest pet peeves in books is showing and telling. I also wrote a post on how to not do that. I think the best novels are ones that show you everything that’s happening–then leave it to […]
As the song goes, “I love Paris, in the winter, when it drizzles….”
Okay. I am not a horror fan, not a violence fan, and definitely not a clown fan. Why did I read this book?
Today I want to talk about something very small that can improve your writing in a big way….
Another week, another summer, comes to a close.