Four of the greatest words in the English language: this too shall pass.
It’s nothing, sir, so long as there’s health and a clear conscience. This quote, from Anna Karenina, is the attitude we should all have about our “problems”.
Happy Friday! I love summer. It’s the season of getting invited to go beautiful places for free.
Happy Friday!
Happy Friday! It’s been a crazy week for me, in the way I really think that weeks in July should not be. But here are three things (in addition to the image above) that helped get me through it:
Hello! Apologies for my radio silence. I had a nice long 4th of July weekend in which I attempted to disconnect from the internets for a bit. I’m working on coming up with a more regular blogging schedule. Time will tell if I stick to it.
After an amazing wedding weekend (my boyfriend’s sister’s) it was hard to return to real life this week.
I recently came across this article. I know these kind of things are becoming somewhat cliché, but to summarize, a girl gave up a high-paying job and NYC lifestyle to move to St. John and work in the service industry (aka bartend and scoop ice cream). I always have a carousel of feelings when reading stories […]
Where is this and can I live here? I have been horribly stressed this week. I won’t bore you with the details, but here is how I combat no-good-very-bad weeks:
I recently took one of those Buzzfeed quizzes–I think it was the one that tells you which Harry Potter book you are (I got Deathly Hallows, and I am fine with that). One of the questions asked what magical device you would want. I picked Time Turner, because I wish I could redo every day […]