Continuing with my travel essays series, this week I bring you: how a week in the tower room of a French chateau with my sister taught me the secret to family harmony.
There are a lot of elements that make up an excellent book.
The question How do you get your ideas? always makes me laugh.
Time to review this one!
I’m going to tell you a scary story…
I think I want to start journaling again, but I’m struggling with how.
I’m continuing my series of travel essays this week with a story about Barcelona, otherwise known as the city in which I did not sleep.
I’ve finished one of my rare forays into nonfiction with Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert (she of Eat, Pray, Love fame), and…
When I was in high school, I went through a new-age phase. I have no hard stats on this, but I think that may have happened to a good percentage of confused Catholic-raised adolescents in the ’90s who saw The Craft or walked past a Hot Topic and thought, “Hmmm. Maybe that’s who I am?”
I’ve been reading a lot of personal essays on blogs lately, so I thought I’d try my hand at it. First up: my true-life story about why Prague sucks.*