No time for a proper post today, just a note to say that if you’re ever on a road trip through California, be sure to stop at Hearst Castle. It’s wonderful and amazing and weird and they let you chill by the pool in the waning evening sun. Fun fact: employees of Hearst Castle actually […]
After an amazing wedding weekend (my boyfriend’s sister’s) it was hard to return to real life this week.
Facebook was kind enough to remind me that two years ago, at this time, I was sailing around the Greek islands in a catamaran.
I recently came across this article. I know these kind of things are becoming somewhat cliché, but to summarize, a girl gave up a high-paying job and NYC lifestyle to move to St. John and work in the service industry (aka bartend and scoop ice cream). I always have a carousel of feelings when reading stories […]
Where is this and can I live here? I have been horribly stressed this week. I won’t bore you with the details, but here is how I combat no-good-very-bad weeks:
I wish I was spending the day writing at a café in Paris. That is all. Photo taken by me, April 2007.
I’m still struggling with getting the beginning of my novel just right, so it’s time for another installment of this. (Installments 1 and 2 here and here). I’ve been getting more and more into YA contemporary. Jandy Nelson, Stephanie Perkins, Robyn Schneider, Gayle Forman, Rainbow Rowell, and David Levithan are all recent faves. But I’d argue […]
I recently took one of those Buzzfeed quizzes–I think it was the one that tells you which Harry Potter book you are (I got Deathly Hallows, and I am fine with that). One of the questions asked what magical device you would want. I picked Time Turner, because I wish I could redo every day […]
A few years ago, I spent a couple of weeks backpacking through eastern and western Europe with some friends. We planned our whole trip out, booked our hostels and various methods of transportation (trains, buses, and ridiculously cheap flights) as well as made lists of the top things to do and see in each city. The plan […]
I like being drunk. On booze, on fiction, on writing, on love, on beautiful sentences. Maybe that’s why I’m so discontent on a daily basis; my day job can be quite sobering most of the time.