
GIRLS WHO BURN Cover Reveal!

The COVER to my debut YA Thriller, Girls Who Burn, coming August 6, 2024 from Penguin Teen, is finally HERE!

Counting down from 3…




Isn’t she BEAUTIFUL?!?!?

A bit more about my book:

The summer before her senior year, Addie hurled the worst words she could think of at her sister—and hours later, Fiona was found dead at the bottom of a ravine. The police ruled her death an accident, but Addie disagrees. Her ballet-prodigy sister didn’t slip and fall; she was pushed. And her number one suspect: Thatcher Montgomery, the rich boy down the street who always had a thing for Fiona. No one believes Addie—least of all Thatcher’s cousin, Seth, Addie’s childhood rival and the boy she’s always loved to hate. Arguing with Seth is easy; living with her own questionable choices involving Seth the night Fiona died . . . much harder.

Then, one year later, Thatcher is found dead at the bottom of the same ravine and Addie is forced to admit she was wrong. To catch the real killer, she’ll have to seek help from the only one she can trust—the boy she was with during both murders. As Addie and Seth dodge corrupt police and Seth’s even more corrupt family, Addie will have to decide if their growing bond is stronger than familial ties, and if their link will keep her safe—or turn her into the next victim.

If you like the sound of this, you can pre-order your copy here! Kindle version here! Other retailer links will go up soon!

It is hard to put into words how surreal it feels seeing the cover a book I wrote. If you’ve been following my journey at all, you’ll know I’ve spent over a decade dreaming about this moment: seeing the story that used to exist inside my head in real-life book form for the very first time.

I have a LOT to say about this cover, which I’ll get into later. It was a bit of a journey to get here—but I think it was totally worth it in the end.

A huge thanks to cover designer Jess Jenkins, my editor Caitlin Tutterow, my agents Sydnie Thornton and Barbara Poelle, and the entire Penguin Teen team for all their hard work on this.

Stay tuned for more on my cover—plus an excerpt from the novel!

Posted on Tuesday, 7 November 2023

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