I Need To Come Up With A Better Title For This Series (suggestions welcome)

I’m writing this on my deck in the middle of a lovely cloudy day off which I’ve dedicated to catching up on my writing. So just time for a brief recap of the week (yes, I stole that line.)

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The Worst Kinds of Articles on the Internet (and why you shouldn’t read them)

I recently discovered a new favorite writer.

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The One Thing I Don’t Give Up For My Writing

A while ago I shared this list of the things I do and do not sacrifice for my writing. Today I wanted to dig a little deeper into one of those.

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Friday Things

Hey, I managed to do a blog post today!

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On Priorities

   Just a quick post to apologize for my highly irregular posting lately. The good news: I finally have a day job that’s interesting enough not to make me sit around bemoaning the fact that I’m not a writer all day. I’m working for an interesting, dynamic young company, doing their social media and best […]

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What Makes It Epic?

Two weeks ago I asked this very important question, and last week I asked this one. Today I’m asking the final question in this series…

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Friday Things

Happy Friday!

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Friday Things

Happy Friday!

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Friday Things

Happy Friday!

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Friday Things

Hello Friday, it’s wonderful to see you.

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