TGIF!! (How I wish that lineup of sitcoms was still on…) Here are the things that made my week:
Do you remember the first time you saw water that was so many different shades of blue and green it looked fake?
I’ve had a very long week and thought many times about running away from my life like the dude in the picture above. I know I’m lucky to have a good job with a good company that pays me more than enough to live on, but sometimes the soul-sucking hours spent in a windowless cubicle […]
So I wrote a book. (In a sun-drenched field, on a typewriter. Isn’t that how you write, too?) Then I rewrote it. Then I rewrote it again. And again. And again…
“Heroes endure because we need them. Not for their own sakes.” I finished The Mortal Instruments series a couple of months ago, and while I most certainly enjoyed it, it definitely had its highs and lows, a mix of 3, 4, and 5-star moments. I put off reading The Infernal Devices because I thought my […]
I came across this article yesterday. It’s brilliant. Read it, then return to me.
A friend recently asked me this and it got me thinking. Do I really only like sad books?
“Let’s never come here again because it will never be as much fun.” —Lost in Translation I’ve mentioned before that I lived in Normandy for a year after college, teaching English. This was before I met my other half, and as it was such a big part of my life, he’s heard me expound on […]
This felt like the longest week ever. The day job monster was trying to get me down. But I persevered in preserving my writing time, and I hope you did too! Here are three things that helped me through my week:
Madrid was a city that really surprised me. I’d already been to Barcelona, and didn’t think anything could top the amazing weekend I had there. I was wrong!